Regina Whitely and Olivia West assumed the duties of teachers today during the 3rd period writing class. The lesson was about drafting our persuasive essays on truancy. They did an awesome job. The journal prompt asked students to write about three things they could do to encourage their peers to come to school. They then explained five different types of text structures for expository writing, giving a handout. With some gentle coaxing, Tenasia actually shared her journal prompt with the class for the first time all semester! Judging by their exit slips, the other students were equally impressed. Dominique said they actually taught "a lot more thoroughly than Ms. Becker does." Cherise said they were "the best teachers I ever had and it made the class fun and not boring. I look forward to doing my essay tonight."
Really, Cherise??? I guess I should start looking for a new job! Just kidding! Seriously, I personally learned a lot from this experience and incorporated some of the techniques into my classes that followed, such as Regina's suggestion to Dominique on how to begin his essay. (Brainstorm ideas on paper or draw a mind map.)
Here are some photos.
Bianca hard at work on her persuasive writing essay.
The teachers grading handouts and reading exit slips.
By the way, the first five students who leave a comment here will earn two extra credit classwork points.